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-persian gulf university-boushehr,bachelor,industerial management(project control) 2004
-allameh tabatabaei university-tehran,master student,industerial management 2004
-chief executive officer of toloe khorshid omidvaran company 2001-2004
-editor-in-chief of tarannom student,s magazine 2002-2004

Aboozar Zangoei Nezhad

*we always endeavor for future.but forget now.
        abozar zangoei nezhad

*to become the greatest,we should have the device which can be great thoughts,friends or even money.

        abozar zangoei nezhad


i depressed.

i am depressed,O so depressed.

i go to the porch and extend my fingers.

over the taut skin of night.

the lamps that link are dark,O so dark.

no one will introduce me to the sunlight or escort me.

to the sparrows' gathering.

commit flight to memory.

for the bird is mortal.


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please give us a call at 09173713998 send an e-mail to abozar1361@yahoo.com